Sunday, February 5, 2012


February's Fast Sunday started the month off perfectly. As we sat in Andrew and Nikki's ward with our family surrounded us I realized how blessed the Eberhardts are. It could only have been made better if David, Lindsay, Lincoln and Kate were with us. It was a beautiful, crisp winter morning. I was so surprised that the entire family was able to make it on time. Well done Eberhardts! I so appreciate the efforts as I know it is not an easy task getting everyone there on time. Andrew gave a beautiful blessing to Maya with a very tender heart and Nikki shared her testimony of what a blessing Maya has been to the family. February is indeed a time of love and gratitude to our Heavenly Father we thank him for all that is good and beautiful in life.
London has a impish side. We discovered that one way to keep her quiet is to take a photo of her. The thought crossed my mind when I looked at this photo - CENTERFOLD!
Do you think these little spirits knew each other in Heaven!
I am so glad glad our daughters-in-law have a great sense of humor. Aunt Lindsay bought Ethan his first tuxedo. What better place to wear it - Maya's blessing. All dressed up and ready to go!

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